a hitchhiker without a phone, a one-man force for good.' -The edge-of-your-seat, heart-in-mouth new Jack Reacher thriller for 2021 - his 25th adventure.BETTER OFF DEADPeople'A contemporary version of the knight in shining armour. and then put it right, like only he can.***The Times'Jack Reacher is today's James Bond, a thriller hero we can't get enough of.' Ken FollettLiterary Review'If you haven't read any Jack Reacher, you have a treat in store. And now Rusty knows he's protected, he's never going to leave the big man's side.Although the Jack Reacher novels can be read in any order, is the 25th in the series.And be sure not to miss Reacher's newest adventure, no.26, !No one's bigger than Jack Reacher.INCLUDES EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW OF, THE NEXT JACK REACHER.Reacher might just have to stick around and find out what the hell's gone wrong. He's an average IT guy, but he knows more than he thinks.As the bad guys move in on Rusty, Reacher moves in on them. At the centre of it all, whetherhe likes it or not, is Rusty Rutherford. The town has been shut down by a cyber attack. He plans to grab a cup of coffee and move right along.Not going to happen. Synopsis: Jack Reacher gets off the bus in a sleepy no-name town outside Nashville, Tennessee.

Free book The Sentinel: (Jack Reacher 25) by Lee Child. But then, neither should Reacher.Yg3PuS5KuE - Download and read Lee Child's book The Sentinel: (Jack Reacher 25) in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Powerful forces are guarding a vast criminal enterprise. Turns out the ring was just a small link in a far darker chain.

The deeper Reacher digs, and the more he learns, the more dangerous the terrain becomes.

So begins a harrowing journey that takes Reacher through the upper Midwest, from a lowlife bar on the sad side of small town to a dirt-blown crossroads in the middle of nowhere, encountering bikers, cops, crooks, muscle, and a missing persons PI who wears a suit and a tie in the Wyoming wilderness. Reacher wonders what unlucky circumstance made her give up something she earned over four hard years. The ring is tiny, for a woman, and it has her initials engraved on the inside. A tough year to graduate: Iraq, then Afghanistan. Reacher takes a stroll through a small Wisconsin town and sees a class ring in a pawn shop window: West Point 2005.